Sunday, October 3, 2010

“Put your trust in the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful” (Surat ash-Shu'ara', 217)

If a person desires the permanent beauties of the Hereafter rather than the temporary interests of this world, there exists nothing that can make him feel concerned. That is because, if a person feels fear or anxiety—which are feelings related to losing something—these stem solely from attachment to this world. However, if a person wants to attain infinite comfort by putting complete trust in Allah and earning His good pleasure, and if he has chosen the Hereafter as the real abode, it would be very easy for him to give positive reactions and be at ease in his heart.

Muslims whose moralities are given as examples in the Qur’an are blessed people who are in complete trust in Allah under every circumstances. Indeed, on Allah’s way, they were oppressed, tortured, insulted and put to trial by their wealth and themselves but they continued to live with great zeal and perseverance. Allah relates this moral perfection in the Qur’an as follows:

And why indeed should we not put our trust in Allah when He has guided us to our ways? We will be steadfast however much you harm us. Those who trust put their trust in Allah.’ (Surah Ibrahim,12)

This is a noble behavior that sincere believers has to take as examples. Even though the most unexpected, seemingly the most troublesome events befall them or although they live in great blessings and ease, they turn to Allah with the very same sincerity and love and live with the same joy, peace and ease.

Harun Yahya

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